The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has urged landlords to not demand a deposit or top-up payment from NSFAS-funded students.
This arrives following NSFAS acquired stories about some accommodation companies who demand NSFAS-funded students to pay a deposit or top-up payment in a
The South African National Defence Force’s (SANDF) Military Skills Development System is a comprehensive plan created to repeatedly enrich the understanding, capabilities, and leadership attributes of army staff. Here’s a short overview:
Basic Summary
The programme
5th February 2025
Higher Education and Training Deputy Minister, Dr Mimmy Gondwe, has encouraged learners to evaluate the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges as a precious and viable alternative for advancing their careers.
The Deputy Minister was talking all through
Monday, January 20, 2025
At midnight tonight, Eskom will achieve 300 days without applying load shedding – a milestone not noticed since June 2018.
Eskom has revealed huge enhancement since the implementation of the Power Action System launched by President Cyril Ramaphosa in July 20
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) can be a South African government initiative directed at furnishing economic support to eligible students who cannot manage to pay for for his or her tertiary education and learning.
It is an important useful resource for increasing entry to l